Serial Hybrid Functions - 5 Functional Modes

1. Diesel-Electric Navigation Mode
Variable speed generators produce electrical power to operate the electric motors
Top comfort medium/long-range navigation
2. Zero-Emissions Navigation Mode
All the variable speed generators are off
Only the high voltage batteries supply power to the electric motors and to the Hotel Load
Zero noise while cruising
Zero pollution
3. Generator Fast Charge Mode
Variable speed generators operate at high speed to provide the power for a fast charge of the batteries and hotel load
Batteries will reach 90% charge in as little as 30 minutes
4. Hotel-Load Zero-Emissions Mode
Lithium-ion batteries supply energy for all of the electrical systems of the yacht
At anchor, the yacht is fully operative up to 12 hours with all the diesel engines off
Top comfort
Zero noise
Zero pollution
5. International Shore Power and Plug-in Battery Charge Mode
While at the dock, the hybrid yacht has worldwide electrical shore power compatibility and charges the Lithium-ion batteries
No need for extra shore power converter
Save fuel for the next day at anchor