An electric yacht can provide a lot of benefits, as it can greatly reduce pollutant emissions and impact on the environment, as well as reduce operating costs and make life on board more pleasant.
Sustainability in yachts: the hybrid engine
In recent years, global warming and the environmental crisis have become increasingly pressing issues, and technology in this regard has made it possible to develop eco-friendly solutions that can limit, if not cancel, the impact on the environment.
As with cars, installing a hybrid engine for boats and yachts has provided numerous benefits. And e-Motion Hybrid Systems has made significant progress in the field of yacht electrification.
In particular, if a boat is powered by electricity it will keep intact all the performance of a traditional engine but going to positively affect the environmental impact.
In fact, electric boats make it possible to reduce Co2 emissions into the environment by up to 40 percent, and if powered by renewable energy they allow a reduction of up to 90 percent.
By choosing to install an electric engine on a yacht, not only do you reduce your ecological footprint but also the marine ecosystem itself benefits: unlike a traditional engine, in fact, an electric boat does not release exhaust gases into the water, also nullifying the risk of fuel or oil spills, thus allowing you to keep the water cleaner, preserving marine ecosystems and even sailing in protected waters and environments where traditional yachts cannot pass.
The benefits of the hybrid engine for yachts and boats.
But this is only one of many positive aspects. Among the advantages of the hybrid engine on a boat, we must also consider the savings in fuel and maintenance costs, which reduce the running costs of the boat considerably.
Often one of the problems encountered with electric motors concerns battery recharging time: but by choosing an e-Motion Hybrid System motor, whether it is a serial hybrid or a parallel hybrid, you will be able to recharge the batteries up to 90 percent in only 35 minutes or less, so that you can resume boating in no time.
It should also not be forgotten that a hybrid engine not only reduces pollution but also noise: this means sailing in complete silence, surrounded only by the sound of the waves of the sea, without the fear that the noise of the engine will bother people on board or animals nearby.
Swimming alongside an electric boat will truly be a different experience, because you will no longer be bothered by the smell of exhaust fumes, allowing you to breathe in the wonderful scent of the sea at the top of your lungs.
Choosing instead a hybrid motor for yachts (in this section you will find different hybrid packages adapted to the needs of your yacht) will ensure a significantly easier life on the boat, a lower environmental impact and a really important reduction in consumption and costs.
Contact us and find out how to electrify your yacht with the world's best hybrid engines from e-motion Hybrid Systems, the NMMA Innovation Awards Winner.